Employment Lawyer for Fired Employees refused Severance Pay

Not Paid Severance Pay

What are your options when you've fired without cause and your former employer is refusing to pay you severance pay.


Neufeld Legal P.C. can be reached by telephone at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864 or email Chris@NeufeldLegal.com

When you are fired from your job and all that you are receiving is termination pay in lieu of notice (if you even get that), while your former employer is paying little or no severance pay, than you need to be taking immediate action, because the last thing you should allow is to be pushed out the door without having been fully paid.

It is a situation that demands serious legal scrutiny, especially since it is very rare that it is limited to the non-payment of severance pay, and this provides ourselves as lawyers with considerable legal leverage when challenging your former boss' refusal to pay you all that you are legally entitled to. For when your former boss has sought to cut corners by not paying you severance pay when you are terminated without cause, what makes you think that this was the only aspect of your pay during the course of your employment that they have failed to pay you. Do you honestly believe that this is but an abberation, or is it possible that your former boss has committed further errors in their efforts to optimize their personal profits, which if discernable could be used to your tactical advantage to attain what you are legal entitled to.

If you have lost your job, it is imperative that you scrutinize your severance pay (or why your former boss is contending you are not due severance pay). For a free initial consultation, contact our law firm at Chris@NeufeldLegal.com or 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864.

Why Some Employers Pay Little or No Severance Pay

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