Leaving a Banking or Financial Career on Your Terms
Neufeld Legal P.C. can be reached by telephone at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864 or email Chris@NeufeldLegal.com
When highly successful individuals working in the banking or financial sector look to leaving their long-term employment with a bank, financial institution or other financial service provider, they are of the belief that they are leaving on the terms that they have set and have fully positioned themselves for the future that they are to embark on. They believe that they have taken the appropriate advance steps, such that they are not overlooking important aspects as they proceed to the next phase of their professional career or enter into retirement.
Unfortunately, as we can establish from the current information and materials from Canada's major banks1 and financial-services business enterprises, Canadians leaving their long-term employment in the banking and financial sectors have not been looking at all the core aspects to effectively plan for their departure from their career-defining job and are not seeking all the professional advice that they should be attaining, in our professional estimation. Even though the necessary information is readily available, one needs to know what they are looking for and how to correctly interpret it; otherwise, you could be looking at it and never realize what the concern is an how it could positively impact the next phase of your professional career or the financing of your retirement.
Given the years of dedicated long-term service you have provided to your employer on the job in the banking or financial sector, should you not be receiving all that you are legally entitled to once you finally make the decision to depart this lengthy period of employment, either for another business / career opportunity or to commence your retirement. If you are not taking the time to review these crucial elements with a knowledgeable lawyer, you are doing a major disservice to you and your family with respect to the adequacy of your financial / career / retirement planning.
If you are looking to safeguard your financial future when you leave your banking or financial employment, whether for other business / employment opportunities or to commence your retirement, such that you are more fully apprised as to what you are legally entitled to, contact our law firm to schedule a confidential initial consultation at 403-400-4092 or 905-616-8864, or via email at Chris@NeufeldLegal.com.
1. When we are referencing Canada's major banks, we are referencing Schedule 1 Banks, with a primary emphasis on the top tier banks including RBC Royal Bank of Canada, TD Toronto-Dominion Bank,CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, BMO Bank of Montreal and ScotiaBank; although we are not discounting the Schedule 2 Banks, outside of the fact that these are the subsidiaries of foreign banks and financial institurions, such that they are not required to disseminate information to the extent of Schedule 1 Banks and therefore have not provided ourselves with the opportunity to review important information that we can make well-founded legal analysis.
More Employment Law for Bankers and Financial Service Employees: Fired - Fired For Cause - Layoffs - Exit / Retirement - Career Transition
IMPORTANT NOTE: This website is designed for general informational purposes. The site is not designed to answer specific questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as substitute for individual legal advice. If you want specific legal advice, you need to engage a lawyer under established legal engagement procedures that have been specifically agreed to by that lawyer.