Employment Lawyer - Christopher Neufeld

Emphasizing employees, given that far too many Canadian employers are violating employment laws and employment standards legislation based on substantive legal research and analysis.


Neufeld Legal P.C. can be reached by telephone at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864 or email Chris@NeufeldLegal.com

In developing our law firm's employment law practice, we have focused exclusively on representing employees, and primarily at the conclusion of their job, whether as a result of termination / firing (for cause/ without cause), layoff, resignation, retirement or quitting one's job, which includes wrongful dismissal and constructive dismissal. This includes changing jobs, whether it was a voluntary job change or one dictated by a corporate mandate (i.e., the sale of a corporate business unit, resulting in a new employment arrangement with the purchaser of that business unit).

In fact, it is in circumstances where the employee is being offered little or nothing from their employer that we undertake our most substantive legal work. For unlike an employee that is offered $100,000 or $200,000 at the end of their employment, with a legal challenge delaying the receipt of those funds; when there is nothing at risk (termination pay is dictated by statute, such that it isn't at risk), because no severance pay has been offered, there most often is nothing to lose and everything to be gained. Given that an employer who refuses to offer appropriate severance pay (or offers none whatsoever), has very rarely limited its employee transgressions to this single action, with inadequate severance pay (or its complete absence) being but one of a multitude of employee transgressions. And it is here that we have our greatest legal advantage when we represent employees whose job has been taken away from them by their former employer.

Our commitment to representing exclusively employees, is due in part to our realization that far too many Canadian employers are violating the legal and statutory rights of their employees, such that we cannot in good conscience represent those employers and support their improper violation of the law, including the governing employment standards legislation. Given the overwhelming amount of publicly-available information available from those employers, which was produced by those employers in consultation with their legal counsel, it is our professional position that their actions as against their employees cannot be legally justified, such that we cannot defend those employer actions, given what we know. And it is for that reason, we have committed ourselves to representing only employees and righting the injustice that has been perpetrated against them.

As such, we are committed to advancing what we perceive as a great injustice towards far too many Canadian employees, as they have been taken advantage of for far too long by employers who have utilized their overwhelming power to deny their employees of what they are legally entitled to. And the more that we come to understand what is in fact transpiring, the greater our commitment to bringing an end to this impropriety perpetrated against far too many Canadian employees.

If you are an employee whose employment has come to an end, irrespective the circumstances, you need to seriously investigate the underlying facts of your employment and what you may legally be entitled to. For legal counsel on these employment matters, with a principal emphasis on employees, contact our law firm at Chris@NeufeldLegal.com or 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864.

7 Key Actions When Fired from Your Job

IMPORTANT NOTE: This website is designed for general informational purposes. The site is not designed to answer specific questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as substitute for individual legal advice. If you want specific legal advice, you need to engage a lawyer under established legal engagement procedures that have been specifically agreed to by that lawyer.