Canada Labour Code Employment Lawyer

Employment Lawyer for Canada Labour Code Employees

Neufeld Legal P.C. can be reached by telephone at 905-616-8864 / 403-400-4092 or email

Employees whose employment and pay arrangements are subject to the Canada Labour Code, being employees engaged in industries and workplaces in federally regulated private sectors, need to have their employment properly scrutinized, in particular at the end of their employment. Unfortunately, those Canadian employees are either not scrutinizing their employment when their job ends or they have not sought legal advice that is particular to the Canada Employment Code, given that the particularities of the Canada Labour Code and its employee pay computations are not being reflected in the employers' outputs, with astonishing deficiencies in their payouts, which seems to be done with total impunity for the Canada Labour Code and what it demands from employers subject to its legislative requirements.1

As such, when your employment has come to an end, or has ended a few months or years prior, since most current employees are not interested in jeopardizing their present job, you really should speak with a lawyer capable of discerning the financial violations, whether you've been fired / terminated (without cause or with just cause), permanently laid off, dismissed (wrongfully or constructively), resigned, quit or retired. And in a matter of minutes, that lawyer should be able to identify the significance of the statutory financial violations and its impact on your final payout, because they either know what they are looking for or not.2

These are legitimate demands from your former employer, given that they agreed to be governed by the Canada Labour Code when they undertook to operate in a federally regulated private sector business and thereby subject their employment practices to federal statutes and regulations, although there is clearly no real oversight by the federal government or any federal government entity. You need to be taking the initial action and engaging with a lawyer that can properly deal with your employment and pursuing what you are legally entitled to, based on the correct application of the Canada Labour Code.

So, if you've been employed pursuant to the Canada Labour Code and your employment has ended (even if its in the last few years), you should seek out knowledgeable legal counsel, given the evident misunderstanding and misapplication of the Canada Labour Code to employees subject to its statutory application. To schedule a confidential initial consultation, contact our law firm today by telephone at 905-616-8864 or 403-400-4092, or via email at

1. When you actually understand how the Canada Labour Code computes employee pay and compare it to how employers in federally regulated industries are undertaking their payroll computations, based on their own publicly available documentation and other public documents that rely on corporate employer verified numbers and information, the stark disparity becomes apparent, together with the financial consequences to those impacted employees, which is far greater than what most people could imagine. This is not some inconsequential mathematical oversight, but something far more significant, such that the rationale for such an incomprehensible mathematical deviation is difficult to accept, especially with all the professionals that these companies engage to apparently achieve full legal compliance and the significance of these cost discrepencies to their recurring costs, such that you need to seriously consider if there is something more serious at play, with these corporate employers actually knowing what they are doing, such that they are operating so as to protect their financial interests.

2. It is absolutely shocking when you know what you are looking for and you see others who are absolutely oblivious to what is literally staring them in the face. Unfortunately, there would be a major failure on the part of those individuals who apparently were 'entrusted' with dealing with these aspects of employee pay and the Canada Labour Code to identify what needed to be done and have it implemented, including employment lawyers who represented employees who brought wrongful dismissal lawsuits, yet were too focused on the wrongful dismissal element to identify equally important legal problems with the impacted employee's employment relationship.

Who are Canada Labour Code Employers and Employees?

IMPORTANT NOTE: This website is designed for general informational purposes. The site is not designed to answer specific questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as substitute for individual legal advice. If you want specific legal advice, you need to engage a lawyer under established legal engagement procedures that have been specifically agreed to by that lawyer.